Tulsa Area Ozone Alert! Program

Our regional Ozone Alert! Program brings citizens, business, industry and government together to voluntarily reduce ozone-forming emissions on days vulnerable to high ground-level ozone.

Last Updated: October 8th 2024, 06:04:00 PM

1-hr Ground-Level Ozone Readings (ppm)

  • West .032
  • East N/A
  • Central .022
  • North .031
  • South .011

This Air Quality Index (AQI) reflects ONLY OZONE, corresponding to the EPA’s national standard for ground-level ozone and associated health concerns.

Today's High Ozone AQI is 30 at the North Monitor

0 – 49

50 – 99

100 – 149

150 – 200

The EPA’s Ozone Standard is Exceeded when the 8-hr Average is 0.071 ppm or greater

Today's high 8-hour average is .035 at the North Monitor.
Have we exceeded the 8-hour standard today?  NO
Did we exceed yesterday?  NO

Current Readings in the Tulsa Area (ppm)

Monitoring Station Current 1-hr Reading High 1-hr Reading Current 8-hr Average High 8-hr Average
West .032 .039 .035 .035
East N/A .000 N/A .000
Central .022 .034 .027 .027
North .031 .038 .035 .035
South .011 .037 .024 .024

All data on this page is “real-time”, preliminary and subject to change upon QA/QC by ODEQ and EPA

Ozone is Good Up High but Bad Nearby.

Ozone is a gas found in the air we breathe and can be good or bad, depending where it occurs:

  • Good ozone is present naturally in the Earth’s upper atmosphere—approximately 6 to 30 miles above the Earth’s surface. This natural ozone shields us from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays.
  • Bad ozone forms near the ground when pollutants (emitted by sources such as cars, power plants, industrial boilers, refineries and chemical plants) react chemically in sunlight. Ozone pollution is more likely to form during warmer months. This is when the weather conditions normally needed to form ground-level ozone—lots of sun—occur.