Reports & Resources
As the planning agency for air quality issues in the Tulsa Metropolitan area, INCOG provides strategic planning and coordination of regional efforts to address the challenges of meeting the national ambient air quality standards. The following are just a few of the reports available related to our local air quality.
Ozone ScorecardsReports
2024 Ozone Scorecard

Ozone ScorecardsReports
2022 Ozone Scorecard*

Ozone ScorecardsReports
2021 Ozone Scorecard*

Promotional Material Logos

Ozone ScorecardsReports
2020 Ozone Scorecard

Promotional Material
Ozone Alert Widgets

Promotional Material
Ozone Alert Commercials

Ozone ScorecardsReports
2019 Ozone Scorecard

Ozone ScorecardsReports
2018 Ozone Scorecard

Ozone ScorecardsReports
2017 Ozone Scorecard

Ozone ScorecardsReports
2016 Ozone Scorecard

Ozone ScorecardsReports
2015 Ozone Scorecard

The success of the Ozone Alert! Program over the last 30 years is because of the many partners across the region. The air belongs to all of us, so please feel free to use any of our resources.